Social Media

Follow these social media accounts for all things South!

Dr. Todd Dain, Principal  - Twitter:  @SMSouthTDain  
Dr. John Johnson, Athletic Director -Twitter: @SMSRaidersAD
SMS Certified Athletic Trainer - Twitter:  @SMSRaiderAT
Academic Decathlon - Twitter @smsacadec
Band - Twitter: @BandRaider
Black Student Union - Twitter @SMS_BSU
Counseling - Twitter: @counselingSMS
FACS - Twitter @TLoveEDU
FCCLA - Twitter @smsouthFCCLA
KSMS - Twitter: @southksms
Library -Twitter: @SMSouthLibrary
Link Crew - Twitter @smslinkcrew
National Honor Society - @southserves
Newspaper - Twitter: @SMSPatriot
Pep Club - Twitter:  @SouthPep
Personal LIfe and Social Skills - Twitter: @SMSouthPLS
Raider Athletic Board - Twitter @SMS_RAB
Speech/Debate/Forensics - Twitter: @smsdebate
Student Council (StuCo) - Twitter: @Stuco_SMS
Theatre - Twitter @smsouththeatre
Yearbook - Twitter:  @smsheritage

Kansas High School Athletics/Activities - Twitter @KSHSAA
Boys Baseball - Twitter @SMSOUTHBASEBALL
Boys Basketball - Twitter @SMSRaiderHoops
Boys Cross Country - Twitter @SMSWannamaker
Boys Football, Varsity - Twitter @SMSRaiderFB
Boys Football, Freshman - Twitter @SMSFreshFB
Boys Golf - Twitter @SMSraidergolf
Boys Soccer - Twitter @RaiderFutbol
Boys Swimming - Twitter @smsraiderswimming
Boys Tennis - Twitter @sms_tennis
Boys Track/Field - Twitter @SMSWannamaker
Boys Wrestling - Twitter @RaiderWraslin
Cheerleading - Twitter @SMSCheerCoach
Girls Basketball - Twitter @LadyRaidersSMS
Girls Cross Country - Twitter @SMSWannamaker
Girls Golf - Twitter @CoachHenry42
Girls Soccer - Twitter @soccer_sms
Girls Softball - Twitter @glenda_sowillig
Girls Swim/Dive - Twitter @OfficialSMSSwim
Girls Tennis - Twitter @sms_tennis
Girls Track/Field - Twitter @SMSWannamaker
Girls Volleyball - Twitter @smsouthvball
Girls Wrestling - Twitter @RaiderWraslin
Pacesetters (Drill Team) - Twitter: @SMS_PACE

How to Follow

Twitter subscribers:  Search Twitter for the group that you would like to follow and click follow. If you want to receive notifications on your mobile device, be sure to turn on mobile notifications for the group in your settings.

Non-subscribers:  You can still follow Twitter via text messaging on your phone.  Send a text message with the name of the group that you want to follow to number 40404 using your mobile device.  For example, to follow Dr. Dain, you would send the the text message:  Follow @SMSouthTDain to 40404.  You will receive a confirmation message.  Normal text messaging rates will apply.