Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
Sponsor: Jackie Turner and Aaron Dean
Description: FCA is the largest Christian sports organization in America. At Shawnee Mission South, FCA is a student-led club which relates to athletics and having a relationship with Jesus. It helps student connect their faith to the sports they play and to everyday life. Our goal is to encourage students/athletes to stand for their faith and lead others by role modeling Christian morals and ethics. It's an awesome way to meet people!! We hope to reach out to those at our school and in our community.
Requirements: There are no requirements to be in FCA. Everyone is welcome to come!! You don't have to be an intense athlete or even a Christian! There are voluntary weekly meetings and a few outside school activities.
Meetings and Events: There are weekly meetings on Wednesday’s at 7:00 a.m. in the Room 150 FOOD. FUN. FRIENDS. FELLOWSHIP.